Thursday, October 19, 2006

20 October: Farewell Dinner

I apologise that this is late, although I'm not sure anybody actually was affected negatively in any way. Anyhow, I'll still post for the sake of regularity.

Tomorrow at Youth we are having a Pot Luck dinner to 'celebrate' Rev. Alex and Aunty Lucy's time with us. It will be the last time that they will be with us for a long while - at least until next year. They're going back into retirement and will be travelling on the road, around Australia. When you see them tomorrow, please take the opportunity to thank them for their constant love, support and encouragement to our Youth - we certainly wouldn't be who we are today without them. Everybody agree?

The details are slightly different from usual:

Time: 6:30pm
Place: Education Building (not sanctuary)
Bring: a plate to share! (if you can't cook, ask your mum...?)

There will be no band; there'll be just a few songs before we say grace and tuck in. Hope to see you all there!

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