Monday, October 30, 2006

The full song!

Alright guys, study smart for the up and coming exams, all the best to the year 12s and uni students! But if you have the time, hopefully this will help calm your nerves a bit.


Order: Intro. Verse1, Chorus, Musical interlude, Verse2, Chorus, Chorus, Out-tro

In sin I kneel before You now,
Crying out to you Lord I know I am most foul,
Glorious, is Your word, it rids my heart of pain,
Jesus, I find peace in Your name.

Holy spirit, work within me,
I step back to the world because you set me free,
Glorious is Your word, I proclaim your steadfast love,
It breaks these chains that tie me to the earth!

Out of the world
Into the world
We will march forth
Spreading His word

Out of the world
Into the world
We share it all
The gift of His love

(Verse 2)
In You we have the victory
Not to conform but be transformed internally,
Glorious is your word, the power of Your name
Defeat no more we all proclaim.

The daily battle rages on,
Brothers and sisters know that we are not alone,
Standing firm, hand in hand, we face the trials and strife,
In men is death, but Christ in us is life!

Ugna bonus pugna of fides. Take habitum of eternus vita quibus vos erant accersitus ut vos no vestri bonus profiteor in presentia of plures testis. “Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses” - 1 Timothy 6:12

Enjoy! Remember that we're gonna have great fun in Melbourne this December!

Created by GOD through his servants Edwin and Sebastian.

"We are not worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under thy table but thou art the same Lord whose property is always to have mercy"


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