Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Defining Moments

Hey youthies!!

This week we've got an interesting workshop install for you guys! Too often we're too caught up in our day to day commitments and plans for the future we forget to take some time to be still, pause, and reflect on our past. So this week, we're going to reflect on some of the key DEFINING MOMENTS we've had in our lives that has shaped us into who we are today, whether that be a key event, person or incident that has occurred in our past.

Doesn't matter whether you're 14 or 25, boy or girl, in highschool or uni, we've all had defining moments in our lives that God had specifically orchestrated to make us the person He wanted us to be now. This will not only help you get to know yourself better, but also appreciate God's blessing in your life that you may have never been aware of in the past, and help you share your story with your friends when it comes to sharing your faith!

Hope you guys are all excited ur family again this Friday, will see you all at 7:30!!!


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