Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Good Friday Movie Night!

Hey everybodyyy!

So this week's program is GOOD FRIDAY MOVIE NIGHT! (2 April 2010)

The MOVIE we'll be watching is: Facing the Giants

There will be a dinner before the movie, so...

TIME: 6pm

VENUE: Kingsway Methodist Church

We'll be joining the whole church for this event, so please try to be PUNCTUAL and bring a plate for everyone to share! :) (this means something suitable for DINNER, so, no chips please guys.)

If you are unable to make it for dinner, you can always come at 7pm for the movie! :D

And on a last note, please invite your friends to this event! Especially your non-Christian friends! :) Heard reviews that the movie is AWESOME and very very INSPIRATIONAL. And if you don't believe me, I even searched for the trailer. :D (Yay me!)


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