Tuesday, May 01, 2012

"Live it" - 18th AMYC from 2 - 5 December

Hi guys, for those of you who weren't at youth last Fri, early bird rego date for the Annual Methodist Youth Convention (AMYC) in Perth this year is 7 May i.e. coming Monday.  Early bird price is $160 and afterwards it will cost $180.  The Committee will subsidise anyone deciding to go, we just haven't made a decision yet as to how much because we didn't realise the early bird was due so soon!!

The camp this year is organised by our sister church, Immanuel Methodist Church.  For those of you who don't know what AMYC is, every year, one of the Chinese Methodist Churches in Australia will organise a huge Youth Convention.  It's a great time to bond with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ from all over Australia and to realise that we are really part of a much bigger church in Australia.  Every Friday night, youths from nearly every Chinese Methodist Church in Australia are also having Youth Fellowship, just like us.  You'll bound to leave the convention with new, lifelong friendships with bros and sistas from Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney.      

I really encourage you all to come.  I will definitely be going if I have enough leave hehehe...every time I go, I am always amazed and inspired when I worship God and learn about God with such a big bunch of youths from all over Australia.    There's nothing like it.  My first AMYC was in Melbourne back in 2006 and it was an unforgettable experience.  I remember being so excited to travel to another state with all the youths (and without my parents...hahaha).  It was so much fun and there are many fond memories.  Check out the photos!! It's hilarious and there are pics of Jono and Dennis (our new youth advisor).  Wow....people looked so young then.  

This picture was taken before the Sydney AMYC in 2007.
Bystanders thought we were crazy.  Note the quadruplets. ;P

I know it is pricey, but Roslyn said that the accommodation is really nice.  There are some pictures on the website if you are interested, and it does look good.  

For more info, please check out their website here.

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