Ok guys, this is the revised version of the song which was originally in C-major.
Due to the lack of time, i was unable to re-write the entire notation/score of the song so i just transposed everything down by 5 semitones (5 i think? lolz) to G-major in the Midi sequencing software. The reason why i did it in C-major originally was due to the fact that it had not much sharps nor flats, and i thought that it would have been easier for the guitarists to play along. But the Judges found it a bit too high especially the chorus so i decided that this would help out the situation.
Hmmmm oh well, here is the "lower-pitched" version
Hope you guys like this one too.
Some sections are really low now O_O... lol... I guess we can never please everyone...
God Bless
I think the original key is just fine, what's wrong with it? But since they agreed now, that's okay isn't it.
Maybe there was never any problem in the first place, just some confusion over octaves? Maybe the notation was an octave higher than it was actually sung, anyway?
I don't make sense, do I. Lol. Nevermind.
I like =)
any chance there'll be a sung version posted up? or has that been done already, and I just haven't been keeping up to date...? *blush*
It is the WILL of GOD
Erm Joy, there's yet to be a version with vocals but we'll get down to that after the exams. Haha! The organisers in melbourne are actually gonna change the lyrics a bit (as i was told o_O) and after i proof-read and give permission, they'll then distribute it amongst the worship leaders from all over Australia. Cheers!
Jono : Yeah. Perhaps it was to do with the notation as personally i don't find it that high, worse comes to worst, we'll just sing it 1 octave lower (like what i did that night croaking away with edward on that faithful friday)
Seb: Don't worry this isn't going to be the version that is chosen.
D : Sup ?
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