Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Combined Event @ Immanuel Methodist Church

Hey Youth!!

As announced for many weeks now, this Friday, youth will be held at Immanuel Methodist Church at the usual time of 7:30pm.  There are going to be bros and sisters in Christ from all the Methodist churches around Australia so I imagine it is going to get rather rowdy in a good way =)).

Please let me or your group leaders know if you need transport asap.  Facebook is the best way to notify us.  

A few other announcements/reminders:

1. Christmas Celebs next Fri 14 Dec 2012 - our last Youth     Remember to bring the following:
  • Present between $5 to $10 for the gift exchange
  • Wear green  and red clothes to get into the festive spirit =)
  • Snack to share

2. Mission KMC on Sat 8 Dec 2012
  • Some of you still have not handed in the $5 rego fee.  Please bring the money on the day.
  • wear your team colours
  • Be at church (KMC) by 8:30am or else your team will be prejudiced

Thanks everyone.  Hope you are having a good week so far.  I also hope you have been meditating on our memory verse this week on patience!!!!

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