Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Bible Study on the Fruit of Patience

Hey Youth!!

This will be our last Bible Study for the Year 2012!  I'm sure Christina will be breathing a big sigh of relief at the end of this Fri night because she has worked really hard to prepare all our Bible Study material. =)  So a BIG pat on the back for Christina.

Please come to youth to show your support to Nathan and Alice who will be giving a short sharing on what they've learnt from their meditation of the previous memory verse on the fruit of Peace - Romans 14:19.  I hope all of you have also been writing down your reflections on the memory verse into your journal.  Abigail will also be courageously giving a short testimony about her faith in Christ, so there's a lot to look forward to this Friday.

Finally, if you are thinking of how to get yourself into the real Christmas spirit and a deeper understanding of the Christmas message, Pastor John Piper from Desiring God ministries has compiled a free Advent e-book which you can easily download here.  It is a series of daily devotionals for December which begin on Dec 2 and the purpose is to prepare your heart to genuinely celebrate the real Christmas message.  I'm planning on doing it myself.  In a world where Christmas has lost its real meaning in the midst of commercialism and Santa Claus, I think I can do with a little help.

Oh and don't forget to buy your little pressies for our gift exchange at our youth Christmas event, which is about 2 weeks away.

See you all this Friday!!

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