Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Birthday Celebrations

 Hey Youthies!!

This Friday, we are celebrating the birthdays for those born in the second half of the year.  So put on your party hats and get ready to party~! 

Hahahahaha...Good old Esther is organising gifts and games and a few of the youthies are preparing a testimony about their second birth in Christ so there is plenty to get excited about.  Well, I'm excited anyway.  

Some people have asked me what to write about in their journals.  Please click here to view my previous post to find out what to write and why we are encouraging you all to get into the practice of using a spiritual journal.

This fortnight's memory verse is from Psalm 28:7 and you can find the memory verse in full on the sidebar of the blog.  I'll be picking 2 ppl again to share their insights into this memory verse.  I've warned you. ;P

Ok I'll catch you all at the party this Friday night at 7:30pm sharp!

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