Sunday, November 05, 2006

Drummers for Christ!

Hahah this is totally awesome, i found this drummers circle of which the members are firstly world renowned recording artists and clinicians and secondly they are my favourite drummers too!

Link :

Keep up the drumming for GOD guys!!!


Jono Chiew said...

Wow, are all those drummers Christian? If so, wow.. I never knew. So many famous guys, Christians. Isn't it nice to know that we can see them in heaven and play drums together (I hope) HAHA.

Unclenabe said...

Jono: Man >.< I SERIOUSLY don't think there will be drumkits in heaven dude, but meanwhile continue to drum away for GOD on planet earth!!! If your're interested, let's work on the "free stroke" together if you have time after the exams and when you're back from melbourne. Then we can progress to the Moeller technique to get our single strokes really FAST and PRECISE. Maybe we can do a planetshakers kinda thing in the future, e.g : "Drum duet"

God Bless!

and all the best for the exams!