Sunday, November 05, 2006

The very first christian metal band ever! (Whoever said that metal is always the devil's tool?)

Guys, i've recently found this EXCELLENT metal band called Stryper and they really pack a punch especially in this song called "Soldiers under command" which happens to my favourite Stryper song, i fell in love with it the moment i heard it, heavy distortion and catchy rifts yet melodic and meaningful vocals (not to mention hard hitting drums! Yeah, i'm a die-hard drumming fan). Hope you guys like this song and discovery i made! Maybe we can do "Soldiers under command" for Singspiration one day! LoL!

"Stryper is a Christian metal band from Orange County, California, USA. Formed in 1983, they are considered pioneers in the mainstream popularization of Christian rock music. Stryper enjoyed great success during the late 1980s before breaking up in 1992, when most metal groups of the 1980s lost popularity. However, the band reunited in 2003 and are attempting a comeback in the Christian music world.

The name "Stryper" derives from the King James Version of Isaiah 53:5:

"But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed."

The scriptural reference is also part of Stryper's logo on most of their releases. In addition, the band's name has been said to stand for:

"Salvation Through Redemption, Yielding Peace, Encouragement, and Righteousness."

Link to more information on them :

Ok guys enjoy the video i've embedded here, yeah that's right its time to ROCK!!!!!!

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