Sunday, August 27, 2006


Here's just some pictures of the camp we had. I think it's a good idea that we post photos regularly onto this site - since it's so easy and all! Well I'll post now and again anyway. I just came back from the Immanuel Concert - it was a good effort. Anyway, photos... firstly, everybody on the first morning.

Ergh, that game we all loved so much... well I loved watching it!

I love you Richard! Green is hot to go... h-o-t-t-o-g-o! lol.

Do you like ONIONS?


Low ropes challenge!

Everybodyyy.. a bit blurry i know. will post better one later.

Tha Cooks (inc a few extras).

The fire... and that's the end for now. Good night!

Sorry to knock your post off the top Kev!

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