Saturday, August 26, 2006

Bible Study - 1st Sept

Congratulations! You have taken the initiative to visit this site, for your hard work you will be rewarded with valuable, up-to-date information!

Next Week's program is bible study
(1st September), we will be starting on the new material 'Four Great Loves', if you do not have a copy, please buy a copy from Sean Ong. Leaders: Pre-Study is at the normal time of 7:30 Wednesday, I'll try to hunt you down..... so be prepared.
On another note (and another colour for that matter) , guys make sure you know what you are doing for Eve's night, if not ask Jono or Ivan, its in 2 weeks so its best to plan ahead. =)
Convention forms are already avaliable and is at the end of the year, there is an early bird price so get organized and be quick! Last of all, if you have pictures of youth members (especially females) could you please send it to me ( or post it on the blogspot, (no, its not what your thinking...) because I'm creating the powerpoint for Eve's night, and I have no pictures =) So help out if you can.
Pray and Read your bibles
Farewell and take care!
May God bless you

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