Tuesday, March 24, 2015

1st Combined Youth 2015

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to have a sister, then I think about it more and realise that it'll be more annoying than having a brother. Lucky for our district churches it doesn't quite work that way! Well, to an extent at least.

This week will be our first combined youth of 2015 and will be hosted at KMC! Please arrive a little earlier than usual, that is 6:30pm, as dinner will be provided! Come uni or from school, if you're not fed, we will. I think it's a great thing to be able to glorify God together united under the power of HIS love and HIS righteousness and to appreciate different members of each district body. Let's be grateful for this opportunity and why not bring a few friends along?

Pastor Charles from IMC will be delivering a message, delving into purpose. So let's get to know our sister churches better, let's worship together with fervour but most of all, let us be united in one building to be able to share and acknowledge the great love of Christ.

See all you wonderful people there :)

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