Thursday, November 06, 2014

Elections Night

Aloha amigos.

So sorry for the late post/update for what's going on tomorrow night! But as you can see from the title, it is Elections this coming Friday! Election of what, you may ask? The Election of the new Youth Committee for 2015!

faces of the current committee. shortest in the middle. yup.
 this feels like ages ago but it's only been 8 months. :( 

And not to worry, the elections won't take too long as there has already been a nominations meeting by the current committee to nominate the upcoming committee! The elections on the Friday night is to allow the youths to also have the right to nominate other candidates they think would be suitable, and also for the youths to also have a say (vote) in nominating the new committee! Whew!

There will also be a special activity after the elections so do come and join us and give some support to the new committee!

I'll see you all tomorrowwww!

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