Wednesday, March 05, 2014

It's that time of the year again...ELECTIONS!

Hey youthies :)

This Friday at Youth is a particularly important one because we will be electing our EMYF committee for 2014.  So make sure you come to take part of this important event.

The second reason why it is important is because as Arthur announced on Facebook, our little Joshie and Nelsie will debut in band.  Not so little anymore...sigh.  I think I've been in youth too long....jks.  

So we will be having opening prayer and singspiration in the sanctuary and then we will move back to our usual emyf hut for the rest of the night's proceedings.  

We also have icebreakers and games planned ;P - educational ones of course.

If you haven't already begun praying about the elections, please do pray for God to take over and select His people to serve Him in the youth committee.  Keep the current committee members also in your prayers as they need God's grace and wisdom and love to continue to serve God faithfully by loving all of you by their actions and their words.

Also, as you may have already heard on the news, pray for a peaceful resolution to the current crisis in Crimea (capital city of Ukraine) as Russian troops have invaded Ukraine and currently occupy the city.  Pray for the world leaders including Putin to have the wisdom to make the right decisions for the people and that innocent people won't get caught up in the conflict and that war won't break out.  You can go here for more information about the conflict - although I'm sure it is over simplified because there is usually no black and white to these kind of conflicts.

I joked with my boss today that after the Winter Olympics had come to the end, Russia needed something else to occupy themselves.  I saw this interesting video today about a TV presenter working for a Kremlin funded tv channel who spoke out against Russia's invasion in Ukraine live on air.  So brave.  Apparently she might be sent to Crimea to "better her knowledge of the situation". 

Ok then folks, pray hard, work hard at school/uni/work and see you on Friday.  

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