Monday, October 01, 2012

Gardening with Volunteer Task Force

Hey Youth!

As you all know, on Saturday 28 September 2012, a few of us woke up early to arrive at the Volunteer Task Force Centre at 8am.  

A total of 10 youths (Christina, Kathy, Christy, Chris, Eddie, Esmund, Alice, Nathan, Evelyn and me) literally got their hands dirty for the Perth community.

We were separated into 2 groups.  One group went to the Northern suburbs and my group went to houses in the South i.e. Applecross.  Each group covered 3 houses from about 8:30am to 12:30pm.  

The guys were happy to operate the lawn mower, saws and the blower while the girls pulled out weeds with spades and shovels.  2 people from VTF went with each group and gave guidance and instructions on what to do.  They did the more hardcore stuff .  Julie (the VTF person who came with my group) chopped down a huge thorny overhanging bush.  They had all the equipment we needed and were really organised.  We were even given free soft drinks. =D

It was actually quite fun gardening together and we had interesting convos like "what constitutes a weed" etc etc.  I accidentally dug out a bulb thinking that it was a weed hahahaha.  The people for whom we did the gardening were all elderly people.  One of the old ladies who we visited gave my group several of her home made chocolate cookies.  They were good. =D

All of us then headed off to Broadway for lunch.  We were pretty tired at the end.  Some brave ppl i.e. Chris and Christina still had band after but as for the rest, shower and sleep weighed heavily on their minds.

This is definitely something I would like to see the Youth get involved in again.  As followers of Christ, we are called to care for the disadvantaged and the needy in society and this is one small but practical way of doing just that.  

So a BIG pat on the back for all the 10 youths who gave up their sleep  to serve.  And special thanks must go to Alice who coordinated the whole event. =D =D =D

Below are some of the photos we took. 

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