Saturday, July 28, 2012

Youth Sunday Order of Worship


As you all know, it is Youth Sunday tomorrow.

DRESS CODE: Connect 4 T-Shirt or White T-shirt with Jeans

Please be at church at 10:30am SHARP at the choir room for a rehearsal. Afterwards, get into the sanctuary on time - no dawdling around or chit chit because it is Youth Sunday and we are all involved in the service!

USHERS: Nadia, @mary and @ Sarah --> please be in the sanctuary by 11:00am ready to welcome people. 

As there won't be choir tomorrow, all youths will be seated in the front 2 piews as per our seating arrangement last night.

Remember to memorise "The Potters' Hands" for the Youth Song Item tomorrow!! The order is: 
V1, V2 then Chorus. 
V1: Boys
V2: Girls
Chorus: Unison with altos in parts 
Chorus repeated and finish with singing the last line "the Potters' hands". 

below is the order of worship:

1.Call to Worship: Roslyn Yat
2.Call to worship verse: Si-En Wong
3.Praise in Songs David Yat
4.Prayer John Moritz The Lord’s Prayer 
6.Announcements (Rev Chiew)
7.EMYF report/ slideshow (Elisa, Evelyn Chiew)

Si Ying, Michelle, Matt, Jordan, Alice, Abby, Laura, Sally, Nelson, Alister, Steph
9.Elisa intro Eddie 
10.Testimony Eddie Cheng
11.Elisa intro Youth Item – explain song
12.Youth Song Item: The Potters’ Hands
13.Tithes&Offerings: Edward (to sing)
14.Offertory prayer: Darren Wong
15.Scripture reading: Sally Tan
17.Closing Hymn (Rev Chiew)
18.Benediction (Rev Chiew)

C u all tomorrow. =D

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