Monday, October 06, 2008

The DOULOS is COMING to town!!!!!!!

Hello all!

Have you heard about the Doulos ship?? It's coming to town on the 11th October!!

Here's a quick snap shot of the Doulos. If you want more information you can visit


What is it??
Doulos was purchased in 1977 by GBA Ships e.V. (previously known as Good Books for All), a private, non-profit, charitable organisation registered in Germany.
Over 20 million visitors have been welcomed on board for tours, programmes and visits to the floating book fair. With stops in over 500 ports of call, this unique ship has visited more than 100 countries in including Africa, the Americas, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and many island nations.

Doulos is recognised in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest active ocean-going passenger ship.

Its purpose?
Doulos visits port cities throughout the world, supplying vital literature resources, encouraging inter-cultural understanding, training young people for more effective life and service, promoting greater global awareness, providing practical aid and sharing a message of hope in God wherever there is opportunity.

Why am I telling you all this??? Well, it is coming to town so if you are interested in going to see it, please let me know and we can all go together. Manna Alpha are really keen on going to this...

Event: Around the world in 90 minutes!
Time: 7:30 – 9:00pm (Wednesday 15th October)
Cost: $10 - (Includes Refreshments)
Join us for this dynamic, inspiring presentation of what God is doing across the nations. Come with us on a creative world journey full of exciting stories about God at work in different countries. Expect the unexpected and be prepared to be challenged!

If you are interested, please let me know by 11th October so Ivan can book tickets for all of us to go together. You can just drop me an email at or leave an sms/call me on 04 33 323 420 =D

There is also another event that some of you may be interested in. If you are interested in going to these, please let me know too by 11th October so we can book tickets. It's a great opportunity to learn more about missions and you won't wanna miss this one! :)

Here are the details of the other event..

Event: Overboard! (Youth Event Ages 14 – 25)
Time: 7:30pm – 9:00pm (Saturday 18th October)
Cost: $5
Heard of Jack Sparrow’s adventures on the high seas? Doulos is here with even more outrageous tales of God at work around the world. Adventures galore! Worship, dramas, international flavour, real life stories of God changing lives – from youth and young at heart warriors who are living the life!

There are also other events going on so if you are interested, just shoot me an email and I will be happy to email you the event listings.

God bless you all. I hope you will consider taking this opportunity to check out the Duolos! :D
Have a great week!
amY xo

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