Hey guys! I just want to bring to your attention an event that's happening this Saturday. The three churches in the Australia West district - Kingsway, Immanuel and Grace Methodist - are getting together for one big night!
The last time we got together was last year, and it was a fantastic time of worship, teaching and fellowship. It's gonna be more of the same this year, and we hope we can all get to know our fellow youth groups around the state and join together 'as one'!
We've still got our regular Friday night program this week, and it's going to be Eve's night - so girls, bring all of your friends and be prepared to be entertained and spoilt by your brothers! It should be an awesome night for you girls as us boys are planning some exciting things :)
The district event will be held on Saturday night. Why go? We all have our unique and separate youth groups, and Kingsway EMYF is just one of the three youth fellowships under the CMCA banner. The bible reminds us: "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another" (Hebrews 10:25) - and let's do just that, with everybody. I think there are well over 150 people if we all combine, and imagine what we could do with everybody together!
So, come for a night of teaching, connecting, and worship - this week at our combined district youth event - "AS ONE".
Details below:
Date: Saturday 30 August 2008
Time: 7:00pm
Where: Bluegum Recreation Centre - Moolyeen Road, Brentwood 6153
Message: Rev Elijah Chew (D.S.) - "Peer pressure and using time wisely"
Food & Games as well :)
Hope to see everyone there!
For more information, contact Sean Heah.
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