Hello everyone,
How are we all doing? I hope you guys are well. I hope you are having a great first week back at school :) I haven't had such a great start to my week but I'm sure it will get better. Now as things get busy with you guys, I hope you guys continue to pray for each other. Please do email any prayer requests and we will post them up under our prayer items on the right hand side of the blog.
You may have noticed on the right hand side of the blog under "Upcoming events", there is a theme for the month of May. The committee have decided that this year, we will give each month a theme and for that whole month, we will have the theme run through al the weekly programs for the month :) Next month, May, we will be talking about "God & Me" :)
Interestingly, I am watching Ellen (US talk show) and there was a man on the show talking about God and kindness etc. His name was Dr Wayne Dwyer, I don't know if he is Christian, but what he was saying about kindness and love got me thinking. He said that "serotonin" is a neurotransmitter that is the "feel good" chemical and that there was a study in America that showed serotonin release in individuals. He said that "those people who were recipients of a kind deed had greater release of serotonin and felt better than those who were not recipients".
Doesn't that tell you something?! For me, it reminded me of God and how God keeps giving and giving of himself to us that he even gave his one and only Son, Jesus to die on the cross for our sins. That has got to be the greatest gift anyone could ever give! Think about this great gift compared to any gift you could ever give anyone. It just reminded me about how great God is and challenged give more of myself for others.
Doing things for others will make ourselves feel good too so why not make a difference and brighten someone's day by giving of yourself, your time, your skills and your company. It doesn't have to do with money at all, just simply helping someone. Oh, Ellen is great! :)
Give it a go, try doing something nice for someone and keep a notebook of the things that you have done and review it after a week or two and see how its made you feel :) I think you will feel great while making a difference in someone's life!
Hope you all have a great week!
In Christ,
PS. Any comments are welcome, let me know how you've been going with this if you take up the challenge :)
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