Hi everyone,
Greetings. I just wanted to blog in addition to Andrew's spiel with regards to the musical. Hmm.. there wasn't such as big of a turn out at youth as I expected however, some of you will be pleased to know that the casting is already pretty much done. Due to the lack of response from the youth with regard to playing different roles, Vivien has approached people and asked those who agree to playing a part to play a particular role.
Now, that doesn't mean we don't need you! Every member of the youth group is needed! Whether you are in a speaking part or not. The opening scene of this musical is set in a marketplace and we need as many people as we can to make the scene look bustling! So we NEED you! Some rehearsals for the musical will be held during youth group times and others will be held during choir as well as outside of those 2 times. We hope to get the rehearsals of this production underway soon.. today we had our first run through the script and will be running through the script again later on.. so do come along so you don't miss out on the action!!
We will be having another session with Vivien in youth group in mid to late Feb so stay tuned! It is important for you to come as you need to familiarise yourself with the script even if you are not speaking.. there is a scene or two with "crowds" and that is where YOU are needed! So it is important that you join us whenever we have rehearsals so we can include you in the crowd scenes.. this is no small production, it is going to be full scale with not just the youth involved but the choir and even the wider church community. I'm super excited and I know it's going to be a great show!
We need you in this musical.. whether you are a main charactor, minor character, crowd or props people.. we need all the help we can get so lets encourage each other to participate and give it our best.. after all.. this production will be a great way of bringing people to Christ.. isn't that great?! If you have any questions with regard to the musical, the rehearsals or anything else youth related.. feel free to come see myself or any of the committee members.
Have a good day!
God bless you
In Christ,
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