Just want to bring an event our church is hosting to your attention, that might be of interest to everybody. The following information is taken from their website.
New Heart Music Ministries is a non-profit organization committed to ushering and inviting God's people into the holy Presence of the Triune God by means of music in Christian Worship. Since there is no true worship unless a person is saved by faith in Jesus Christ, New Heart Music Ministries is committed to bearing witness for Christ through excellence in music education with a Christian distinctive in the community.
Many churches face the challenges of how to make the worship celebrative yet reverent, how to integrate the younger generation of worshipers with the older ones, how to blend newer praise choruses with more traditional hymns. On top of these challenges, Chinese churches in the United States also face the difficulties of integrating different language or dialect groups into the same service, and the lack of Chinese music resources, or Chinese translation of new hymns.
We believe God has called the New Heart Music Ministries to tackle some of these challenges and to meet some of these needs. For more than four years, God has developed the worship team in the Houston Chinese Church and He has blessed them with a ministry that makes impact. As we are starting to make some in-roads toward meeting the needs, we realized that it will take more than one or two people working full-time to develop this ministry. It will take the concerted effort of the whole team. But realistically, there is not a lot of churches that can support a worship team working full-time. We need a center where the musicians can work to provide for their livelihood and at the same time serving God through the development of this ministry.
We thank God for gifting our team members not only with first-rated musical skills, but also teaching skills. Therefore, the school is a center where the worship team members will be employed to teach and to develop the music ministry. We are not only a group who goes to different churches to lead worship and to share what we have learned in worship leading, but we are also a school which excels in quality music education with a Christian distinctive.
The Chinese Methodist Church in Australia are hosting this group in Melbourne and Perth while they hold events in Australia and New Zealand.
It is a really excellent opportunity to learn from distinguished musicians about not only the instruments and worship, but also about serving God and playing for him. After all, that is our utmost priority in life!
While in Perth they will be conducting several sessions:
1. The first is a Praise & Worship night entitled "Come! Let Us Worship". This will be held on August 17, at 7:30pm at South Perth Church of Christ. It will be in Mandarin only.
2. There will be a music evangelistic meeting entitled "Everlasting Love" held the next evening (August 18) at 7:30pm also at South Perth Church of Christ. Again this will be in Mandarin only.
3. There will be a Worship Seminar held on August 18, at Kingsway Methodist Church from 1-4pm. This consists of a session of Worship, followed by a general session on teaching about personal worship, followed by four streams of workshops. These are:
- The Worship Leader
- The Worship Pianist
- The Worship Drummer
- The Concept of Worship
4. Finally there is Worship Team Training on August 19 from 2-5pm, at Immanuel Methodist Church in Manning. I believe this is for the church singspiration teams to train with the group.
For more information, please contact Jonathan Chiew, Jason Ling or Ps Shirley Ling, organiser for WA on 0434-225-199.
If you'd like to register for the Worship Seminar, please fill in the registration form and pass it to Jonathan or Jason. The registration form can be downloaded from here. It also has more information about the people running the seminar.
More information about New Heart Music Ministry can be found on their website, http://www.newheartmusic.org.
God bless!
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