Wednesday, June 12, 2013

LOL Night!

Hey EMYFers!

Hope the week's been going well for you guys, even though I know many of you are having exams these 2-3 weeks. I do encourage you all to try to come this Friday as a break from studying, even though study is important, but going to youth as a 2 hour break should be worth it!

So as this year's youth and camp theme is Love Out LOUD, we (the committee) decided that there should be a night dedicated to that, just a month before camp too. And it will be a night filled with activities and crafts, reflection and goals, and hopefully, a night to be reminded of how blessed we are as the children of God and how we should reflect and influence those around us with God's love. 


I won't reveal too much about what we will be doing on the night but do come with ready hearts to pass on the kindness and love! 

Come join us! And bring your friends too! 

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