Thursday, May 16, 2013

Eve's Night!

Hey everyone!
The regulars at youth would have already marked the 17th May on their diaries, but have you?

What’s on that special day you ask? It’s Eve’s night 2013! It’s a time for all us boys to thank the girls for their year’s worth of hard work. The team have been planning to the finest detail, buying the highest quality goods and will also be dressing up for the night.

Don't forget, this is a THEMED night. Bows and ties. Even if you have to grab one from your dads old closet with hideous patterns and textures, do it for the sake of the night.

It will be a night of laughter and love, a night of wonder and awe, and a night to be remembered.

See you all there!
Xoxo gossip boy

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