Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Blessed 2B a Blessing

Hey Youthies!!

So tonight was me and Roslyn's last night for Mission Perspectives.  It's been an incredible journey and has 180 degrees changed the way we understood what God means when He talks about mission in the Bible.  We have really enjoyed the course and are very grateful to our lecturers.

On Friday, my presentation is in fact part of my assignment for the course, because I am required to do both an essay and lead a presentation on my essay.  I am excited to share with you what both me and Roslyn have learnt about God and mission.  I admit that missions wasn't a topic that was close to my heart before, but since my studies, it now is.  So I might get hyper, deadly serious, emotional,  (Esther and Kenn have told me that my voice gets a little trembly when I give talks ...I really hope that won't happen on Fri) but I'll try to be calm because my parents will probably be there!!

I don't want to give much else away, but whether or not mission is high on your agenda in your Christian walk with God, I hope you leave youth on Friday night with a deep sense of awe and wonder of God: the God who serves His people, whose thoughts are not our thoughts and whose ways are far beyond anything we can imagine (Isaiah 55:8).

Looking forward to sharing with you all on Friday.

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