Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Cambodia Missions Talk

Hi Youthies! How has your week been so far??

I'm sure most of you all have thought about going on a mission trip overseas to a third world country to help people living in a country less fortunate than ours. It is generous and kind hearted to offer help to the needs of those less fortunate, but we must also remember that as sons and daughter of God through Christ, God HAS called us to,

"...make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the 
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." 
Matt 28:19

So this Friday at Youth we will be having a talk from Tim Xu and Michael Ting about their time spent in Cambodia.
They left for Cambodia just before Christmas 2012 and spent about a week going to the rural side of Cambodia attending the churches, washing the villagers' hair and servicing the rural side of Cambodia. But more importantly they will also share about their experience in sharing the Good News.

Hope to see you all there !

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