Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Hey youthies!!

This Fri we are having a combined program together with the CMYFers and we'll be in the sanctuary.  Be ready to step outside of your comfort zone and get to know the youthies (some of the are older) from the chinese Youth.  Although it is all too easy and comfortable to settle in with the people you already know, I encourage you all to get to know as many new friends as you can on the night from the CMYF because we all form part of body of Christ.

Don't forget to meditate on the memory verse this fortnight by writing down your thoughts and how you think the verse applies in your life into the journals.

Oh yes, and I'll try to put up on the blog all the photos and vids I took on Eve's Night  as soon as I can.  Videos take forever to upload onto Youtube. =[

Ok c u all on Friday!!! =DD  Not that long to go now....

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