Thursday, September 20, 2012

Principles of Bible Interpretation


How's 'personalising' your daily devotion going? Anyway, this week we are concluding 40 Days in the Word. This week will be our last bible study session and we will be wrapping up all the different methods of daily devotion we have learnt. I really hope that you have all taken something out of this bible study (no matter how small it may be) and perhaps put it into practice to maintain your daily devotions! Remember one of the bible verses we have memorised is, "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock." Matt 7:24

And I'm sure you have all memorised this week's memory verse, if not, just sing the song we danced too on Sunday and that will definitely jog your memory haha. Or you can ask Elisa or Laura to dance it out for you! They were sensational dancers! :P

AMYC 2012

Also this Friday, Esther Kwang (from IMC and chairperson of AMYC 2012) should be coming down to encourage us all to attend AMYC this year, so if you are interested please fill out your rego forms and be ready to hand it to her. 

Volunteer Task Force: Sat Sept 29 

This is the last week to get your forms in to Elisa and Alice so that they can confirm the numbers.  If you need transport, let them know asap. 

I hope to see you all this week as we conclude our bible study!

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