Sunday, May 13, 2007

18th May - Bible Study

Weekly Short Concise Update:

This week: Bible Study! So remember please bring, past worksheets, pens and writing tools etc. Pre-Study is on Wed night 7:30pm (At least one non-small group leader committee member please!)

Things to look out for:
File Name: Camp Registration Form (ver1.1).pdf
Description: Camp 07 Registration Form
File Size: 168 KB
Download Link:
Due Deadline: 8th June

More things to remember: Please bring your exam timetable (if they are out) so we can compile a prayer sheet during the examination period. Prayer has POWER! So if want us to pray for your studies, please remember!

Somethings NEW! Visitiations! Throughout the year Rev. Chew along with committee members and/or role assistants are going to be making visitations to YOUR place! That's right! YOUR PLACE! We'll be checking up on you to see how you are going, you can bring up any sensitive issues that are not easily addressed in a youth group setting etc etc... So if we approach you, please don't be alarmed as we are just trying to help =) We can't help but help!

That's all folks!
Take Care & God Bless

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