Wednesday, May 23, 2007

25th May - Special Talk Night

This week's program consist of a talk on sin, forgiveness & repentance which is linked to our theme for this year. It will be given by Rev. Chew, hopefully you will take some valueable lessons out of it and enhance your spiritual walk with Jesus.

Reminder: Camp Forms
Download Link:
Due Deadline: 8th June
Two ways to live Worksheet 3 (now available)
In Case you lost it =D

Sports Day is this coming Saturday, and all competitors are required to be at
Ern Clark Athletic Centre, Wharf St, Cannington. by 9:30am (latest) for a briefing whilst helpers are encouraged to be there by 9am to help out. There is a big carpark so parking won't be a problem. We encourage everyone to come for some great Saturday entertainment.

Take Care & God Bless

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