Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Frequently Asked Questions

Note: This page as well as all other main pages will be updated as construction of this site progresses.

Who started this site?
I think Sean H did, while Charmaine helped out with the technical aspects. Three cheers for them!

How do I post on this site?
Only admins are able to post on this site. If you would like to comment or post on the chatterbox, feel free to! If you have an interesting website or information you would like to share with all, please let one of the admins know.

What about photos?
Photos are able to be seen at a second website purely for images. This makes it easier to navigate and to have a central 'database' of all our photos. The website is here. All of the photos are hosted on our Photobucket account here. Uploading is currently available only to admins. Please contact one of us if you have some photos you would like to share.

And videos?
For now, the best way is to upload videos onto YouTube and then embed the video onto the EMYF blog. Do a quick search of "EMYF" if you're on YouTube to find all the relevant stuff. Click the Videos tab at the top of the homepage to find all posts which contain videos.

What about files?
Files are hosted at emyf.nedlands.googlepages.com. The site itself cannot be viewed but they let us store up to 100mb of files there. Links will be posted under the files tab, and important files will be linked to on the homepage. If anyone knows of an even better way, please do tell.

Can I comment in the comments section as well as the chatterbox on the side?
By all means go ahead! But please follow the rules. Inappropriate messages will be deleted and repeat offenders will be banned.

What if I have questions/issues/suggestions for this site?
Please feel free to contact the webmasters and/or send an email to emyf.nedlands@gmail.com and we'll get back to you soon!

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