Saturday, March 10, 2007

Election Results!

Thank God for a smooth sailing election night. Congratulations to the newly elected and pray that all newly elected committee members may understand the direction of their duties and ask God for strength so that we may be united and encourage growth in all facets of the youth ministry.
Here were the final roles that were voted upon, voting took place late into the night =)

President : Miss Amy Chang
Vice President : Miss Rebecca Yat
Secretary : Miss Roslyn Yat
Treasurer: Miss Su Wei Foo
Worship : Mr Andrew Tan
Prayer/Spiritual : Mr Kevin Fang
Fellowship (2x) : Miss Regina Chan & Mr Jason Fang
Transport : Mr Edward Ting
Logistics : Mr Christopher Wong
Outreach : Miss Elisa Chin

A reminder that a urgent committee meeting has been called to enable a smooth transition as well as for the planning of programs for the coming months. (1pm Saturaday 10th March)
If you are unable to make it, please inform our new chairperson.
Please continue to pray for the new committee of 07/08 that through God's guidance that our vision may come true!

"We aim to build up the spiritual life of our youth, and to reach out to others and also one another. Through Christian teaching, fellowship, worship and prayer, we seek to cultivate a love of God and God’s Word, Godliness and Christlikeness, in order to increase our knowledge and faith in Christ.

Through the same means, we hope to encourage compassion for the lost, servanthood and loyalty to Christ the church and MYF, for the purpose of increasing our love for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, and through genuine love and caring, reach out to others. "